A CAMPAIGN has been launched to tackle domestic violence during the World Cup.

Four years ago reports of domestic abuse incidents rose by almost a third in the UK while the last tournament was on.

Posters are being put up in pubs and clubs across Rochford and Castle Point with messages for victims and perpetrators.

In 2006, incidents of domestic abuse increased by 31 per cent on days when England played.

Rochford and Castle Point Domestic Abuse Panel, is behind the new poster campaign.

Chairman Sallyanne Thallon said: “We are putting up posters in ladies’ and gents’ toilets in pubs, to encourage male football supporters not to take their disappointment out on their nearest and dearest if their team loses.

“The posters in the women’s toilets give information about how to get help if they are victims of domestic abuse.”

Maggi Howell, chairman of the trustees of SOS Domestic Abuse Projects, based in Southend, added: “The tension and celebration of the World Cup, together with alcohol, can make a potent mix for families already experiencing abuse. We have supported a number of women over the past 34 years who have been beaten by their partners on days England were playing.

“Children are also victims of the abuse. They can be caught in the crossfire, or be targeted themselves. It is inexcusable behaviour.”