A WOMAN who experienced the tragedy of having a child stillborn has set up a group to help other bereaved parents.

Rebecca Shatwell, of Fern Walk, Langdon Hills, delivered a boy, who she named Luca, in May 2009.

Now Rebecca, 24, is trying to turn her heartache into a force for good.

She has started a group called 4Luca, raising money to buy keepsake boxes for parents who find themselves suffering the same loss. Rebecca said: “When I was in hospital, I remember thinking I was the only person in the world going through it, and I felt really alone.

“So I hope it would help other parents knowing these boxes have been made by someone who has walked a mile in their shoes.”

Keepsake boxes contain a number of items parents can remember their children by, including ink hand prints, a clay impression kit for hand and foot prints, small cuddly toys, a candle memento and a card.

Rebecca said she was lucky enough to have her own box, and it had helped her.

She said: “Normally, you would show your baby off to people, but all I had was his hand and footprints, and the colour of his hair.

“But they are memories you can take away with you and keep for ever. It helps during the time in hospital.” Rebecca said she was in talks with Basildon Hospital to have the first batch of boxes donated to its maternity unit.

The group is also hosting a number of charity events to raise about £200 – enough to pay for the first batch of 15 boxes.

One of the first events will be a quiz night in the Great Berry Club, at the pavilion in Nightingales, Langdon Hills, on July 8.

Rebecca added colleagues at her work, MHS Boilers in Fenton Way, Basildon, were also helping her with fundraisers.

Anyone interested in attending the quiz night can call her on 01268 419650.