AXING ten social worker jobs and freezing recruitment are among the measures Thurrock Council is proposing to make £4million of cuts this year.

The council – which needs to find £2.3million more savings than it initially thought – is also making cuts to street cleaning, children’s play equipment and community groups.

In June, the coalition Government cut £1.7million from the authority’s funding as part of its deficit reduction.

The council has put together a series of proposed cuts which will hit services including libraries, social services and transport.

Some of the immediate cost-cutting measures include steps to minimise temporary staff and consultants and no attendance at external conferences or seminars.

The axing of ten social worker posts is expected to save £250,000, while reducing a community cohesion grant will save £117,000.

The council’s Labour leader, John Kent, said: “The details of these cuts have only just become clear and at the moment £4million of promised government funding has been withdrawn for this financial year.

“The cuts in the 2011/2012 financial year are likely to be in the region of £14million to £16million.”

“I don’t know that this is the end of the cuts.”

This supplementary budget will be looked at by the council’s cabinet tonight.