MEMBERS of Canvey’s new community choir sang hits including Stand by Me at the group’s first practice.

More than 40 keen singers of all ages and abilities have so far signed up to the choir, which is the first on the island for more than a decade.

The group had its first session at Northwick Park Primary School, in Third Avenue.

In the future the group hopes to incorporate all different styles of singing, including pop, jazz and foreign language, and they may even enter competitions if there is the demand.

Laura Goldsmith, music teacher at Northwick Park Primary, who is coaching the choir, said: “It was really nice to work with adults, I was surprised by how responsive they were.

“There was a bit of shyness to begin with but once we got going you couldn’t stop them.

“There was a really nice mix of ages, it wasn’t all retired people who turned up.

“We also had a few men, which was great.”

The choir is being run by Essex County Council as part of the Sing Up programme, which aims to encourage singing in local communities.

Mrs Goldsmith added: “A choir is a great way of bringing people together.

“It’s for people to come who want to sing. We don’t have auditions or minimum standards.”

The next session will be held from 4.30pm to 6pm on Wednesday, November 3.

Choir members must be aged 16 or over.

To sign up, contact Sharan Allsopp on 01268 682273.