A businessman, who has been trying to set up a seafront ice cream parlour and restaurant for four years, faces yet more delays.

The trader, who wants to remain anonymous until he signs the lease, says he has spent more than £30,000 getting a deal into place.

He has £500,000 to spend on his venture, but has hit snag after snag.

The shop, in Pier Hill, was built six years ago as part of a £6million project to revamp the area. Yet it has been empty ever since, plagued with damp problems caused by contractors who failed to waterproof beneath the paving on Pier Hill.

Delays have already cost the council £500,000 in repairs and lost rent, but it seemed the problems had finally been overcome.

The businessman had hoped to finally close the deal this week, but now there will be further delays because Southend Council has not informed gas, electric and water companies – and they all require three months’ notice.

The trader said: “The services haven’t been put on, so I didn’t want to sign the lease before that was sorted.

“I think we may be able to get around it. The council has said I can use its electric supplies and I probably won’t need a water supply until we open, but I still haven’t got the leases.

“They have been drawn up, but I haven’t seen them yet.

“I have spent more than £30,000 on solicitors and surveyors and now I have this bill from the builders.

“If I don’t start work by January I will get a further bill of £8,000 from the builders, but I am hoping to get the lease signed before Christmas.”

Ron Woodley, Independent councillor for Thorpe Bay ward, said the businessman had shown great patience.

He added: “The problem is, he is on a time scale to get things done and we don’t seem to be helping him at all.

“He is a very patient person. I think I would have gone spare by now.”

Alan Richards, Southend Council’s group manager for asset management, added: “The council is working closely with the proposed tenant and his professional representatives to finalise the details of service connections and make final amendments to the agreement for lease as a matter of urgency.”