AN unsung hero has won an award for combating antisocial behaviour across Southend with her innovative ideas.

Anita McGinley has helped set up community circles which encourage residents to get together and work through their problems.

One success story was a “circle” formed in Leigh following antisocial problems with youths in Shannon Park.

A teenager, accused of being troublesome, was invited along to respond to the group’s concerns and fears.

The meet proved so successful, the circle has disbanded as the problems have stopped.

Miss McGinley explained how the circles idea had worked because residents come up with their own solutions, together.

She said: “If you’ve got a perpetrator in an area you wouldn’t necessarily invite them to the first meeting.

“But we try and get them along and discuss the impact their behaviour is having. It’s not the case that they’re just thrown into the lion’s den because it’s a very controlled environment.”

Another example of the good work is on the Four Rivers Estate, Shoebury, where loud parties and people drinking in the street were causing big problems. The “circle” pressed for a street booze ban which has been implemented by police and worked wonders.

Miss McGinley and her colleagues, from Southend Multi Agency Antisocial Behaviour Response Team, also tried a different approach in the York Road area and took to the streets with free hot chocolate and soup to chat to people about their concerns.

The team works closely with housing association South Essex Homes and the police.

This week, Miss McGinley was commended during a ceremony for the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group Awards held in Birmingham. She received the Tim Winter Award for making a real difference to a community.

She added: “It’s not me, it’s the people I work with and alongside, so although the award’s gone out in my name it’s actually for all those who deal with antisocial behaviour in Southend. I can only do my job because of the people I work with.”

Mike Gatrell, chief executive of South Essex Homes, said: “She is certainly a credible winner and a credit to South Essex Homes. Well done Anita, we are all very proud of you.”