THE cost of groups hiring community halls across Basildon is set to rise by as much as 60 per cent.

Basildon Council has released a draft leisure budget which details the proposed hikes for the centres used by playgroups, sports clubs and other community groups.

It currently costs £7 per hour to hire Luncies Hall, in Luncies Road, Basildon, but this would rocket by 60 per cent.

Gordon Hall, in Bardfield, Basildon, will see its charges rise by 42 per cent, while Nevendon Community Centre would rise by 27 per cent.

Even families hiring them for one-off children’s parties are facing a new higher weekend rate, taking prices up 35 per cent from £13.30 to £18 an hour.

Midweek charges rise to £15 an hour – a 12.6 per cent hike. The changes would also see the costs charged to playgroups using the halls go up by almost a quarter at 24 per cent. A three-hour hire will cost groups nearly £18 instead of £14.25.

Councillors will discuss the proposals at the leisure and health scrutiny committee in the Basildon Centre next week.

Labour councillor Danny Nandanwar, who is on the committee, said he will argue against the rises.

He said: “Some of these increases are crazy. We should be looking to support communities.”

However, the council said it had charged low fees compared to other authorities and would still provide value for money.

A council spokesman, said all three community centres facing big rises had undergone recent improvements, and hall charges are calculated on the quality of each hall.

“In terms of playgroups, it is the charge to the group and not individual parents. It will only go up by £3 to £4 for three hours. It is still cheap and will not have much of an impact.

“Luncies Hall and Gordon Hall have the lowest charges at the moment and have been improved so are coming in line with other halls.”

He said it was not a money-making exercise and the council will still have to subsidise the halls by £114,400.

If you will be hit by the hikes call Jon Austin on 01268 469304 or e-mail