POLICE investigating a huge fire which destroyed Canvey shops and businesses have revealed canna-bis was being grown on the site.

Officers discovered about 20 plants in a shed on the site, off High Street, Canvey, next door to a wood yard, industrial units, shops and the Corner Club which all went up in flames on Tuesday morning.

It is thought the Class B drugs were being cultivated to be sold on the streets of south Essex.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “Officers have launched a police investigation into the cause of the fire at a number of commercial buildings.

“The cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

“During the early stages of the investigation a small cannabis production site was discovered. This will also be investigated.”

John Anderson, chairman of Canvey Town Council, added: “I’m not surprised at anything that goes on these days.

“I am, however, very sad for the owners of the shops and businesses that went up in flames, as I’m sure is everyone is on Canvey.

“People have been saying the buildings were made from wood, so they were vulnerable to fire, but they had been there for years without any problems.

“They were there when I moved on to the island 28 years ago and it’s sad to see them go.”

Firefighters launched their own investigation into the cause of the blaze, which took 50 firefighters six hours to put out.

They brought in a specially trained dog from London to scour through the buildings’ charred remains.

Insurance investigators in yellow jackets also checked out the scene yesterday morning.

Anyone with information about the fire is asked to call Essex Police on 0300 3334444 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.