SIX new brick homes could be built on the site of properties left destroyed in the blaze at Bockingham Green.

Swan Housing, which manages numbers 70 to 77 which were all left gutted by the fire, has applied to bulldoze the burnt-out shells and build the new homes in their place.

Crucially, following fears raised by residents, the new homes, if approved, would be built from brick, unlike the rest of the properties at Felmores which are timber-framed and clad.

A spokesman for Swan Housing Group said: “The proposed scheme has been submitted after consultation with members of the local community, council ward members and Basildon Council planning officers.

“In developing the plans, Swan has acknowledged the importance of proposing a scheme which responds to the character of the Felmores area, without necessarily duplicating the existing estate.

“We understand residents’ resistance to timber cladding and are, therefore, proposing to use brick and pitched, tiled roofs to respond to the setting. Timber cladding will not be used.”

The new homes, which would be made up of two three-bedroom and four four-bedroom properties, will replace the eight homes worst damaged by the fire on November 13, 2009.

Among the properties to be ripped down is number 74, the former home of Barry Maicher.

Mr Maicher, then 55, and his 21-year-old daughter Nikki were among three people who had to be rescued from the window of their home by firefighters after they became trapped by the flames.

It is hoped the application to build the new homes will be decided by Basildon Council’s planning committee by the end of December.

If given the go-ahead the planned homes will also provide extra parking spaces, measures to stop motorcyclists using the footpath as a cut-through to Northlands Park, and the removal of wooden bin stores, which residents believe attract arsonists.