HUGE potholes outside an NHS outpatients’ clinic are a danger to elderly patients, a councillor has warned.

There are about six large holes in the parking area outside the former Canvey Island Urban District Council offices, off Long Road, Canvey, which is being leased by Southend Hospital as an outpatients’ clinic.

Canvey councillor Dave Blackwell has received several complaints from residents worried these will cause patients to trip and injure themselves.

He said: “Those potholes must be two or three inches deep and some are a foot across.

“The council isn’t responsible, as the building and car park is now being leased by the NHS.

“I’ve had at least half a dozen complaints, and I know other councillors like Joan Liddiard, Peter May and John Anderson have had people asking them about it too.

“It’s a worry because if an elderly person was to walk over there in the dark, I’m certain they would be in serious danger of tripping up and hurting herself.”

He said: “People have to use the clinic on a regular basis for X-rays and blood tests, so it must be one of the busiest places on Canvey.

“I’m really worried people will fall over now the nights are drawing in and the weather can be quite windy.

“The clinic has a responsibility of care to its patients, and needs to do something about this quickly.

“It’s an accident waiting to happen.”

A spokesman for Southend Hospital agreed to investigate why the holes had not yet been filled in.