a Pitsea resident has won his battle to have a bus shelter replaced after almost a year of campaigning.

Dean Platt, 38, of Pitsea Road, was disgusted by the state of the shelter opposite his house, and decided to get it changed.

His request was finally granted when the shelter was replaced.

The shelter, which is on the No. 8 route into Basildon, had become dilapidated, with shards of metal sticking out, no windows and no seats.

Mr Platt felt particularly sorry for the elderly passengers, who he saw on numerous occasions having to stand away from the shelter in terrible weather conditions.

He finally decided to do something about it earlier this year.

Mr Platt said: “I just thought it was extremely dangerous the way the shelter had fallen into disrepair and I have got a lot of respect for the elderly.

“It was disgusting how the council had not bothered to replace the shelter earlier and the people using it had nowhere to sit while they waited for a bus.”

He went directly to Essex County Council, which deals with highways issues, asking for action.

After referring the incident to Clearchannel, the contractor which maintains bus shelters for the council, it was decided the shelter had to be replaced.

When he was informed a new shelter was going to be put up, Mr Platt was glad to see his hard work had got somewhere.

He said: “I was told the council would wait and see if it could afford to replace the shelter when the next budget came in, and when it said it would do the work, I was pleased.

“I have never done anything like this before, but I just felt like something had to be done.”