POLICE are searching for a good samaritan who chased a handbag thief through Westcliff.

The victim, a woman in her 70s, was sat in her car in London Road with her bag on the back seat.

A man on a bike cycled up and opened one of the rear doors, before grabbing the bag and making off.

But luckily a passer-by gave chase, forcing the thief to drop the bag and leave empty-handed.

The victim managed to get her bag back with all the contents, but did not get the details of the man who helped her.

She is keen to thank him, and police want to speak to him to get a description of the crook.

PC Hazel Williams, of Leigh police, said: “We are keen for this man to come forward because he is a key witness, but also because the victim would like an opportunity to thank him.”

The theft happened at about 7.30pm on Sunday, May 29.

Anyone who knows the man, or witnessed the theft, is asked to call PC Williams on 0300 3334444.