A MAN who stole a pick-up truck before driving it like a “bucking bronco” during a high speed chase has been sent to prison.

John Beaney, 52, of Oak Road, Crays Hill, took the truck from a house in Manstead Gardens, Rochford, and was soon chased by police on to the London-bound carriageway of the A127.

The drama ended when Beaney ploughed into AJ Shepherd Motors, near Dunton, after mounting the grass verge at about 50mph and ramming a police car.

Officers described the truck as looking like a “bucking bronco”, adding how surprised they were he survived the smash.

In the aftermath, Beaney, a schizophrenic, told police officers he was travelling to a cemetery in Romford, where his parents are buried, and where he planned to commit suicide.

However, Judge John Lodge said a prison sentence was the only option for Beaney.

He said: “This was an appalling piece of driving, whatever the state of your mind at the time.

“The fact you were involved in a police chase as well means I must give you a custodial sentence.”

He was jailed for ten months at Southend Crown Court for aggravated vehicle taking after stealing the vehicle on December 28.

He had already pleaded guilty at the same court on December 30.

Several members of Beaney’s family were in court as the sentence was passed.

Outside, they said they would be there for him when his jail term finished.

Sam Wilson, his nephew, said: “Overall we are pleased with the result as it could have been a lot worse and we cannot wait for him to get out.

“He’ll get the support he needs as soon as he leaves prison. We are all just looking forward to having a beer with him when he gets out.”

Along with the prison sentence, Beaney was also banned from driving for three years and must take an extended driving test if he wishes to obtain a licence again.