A TEENAGER is taking part in a sky dive to raise money for the hospital that saved her newborn sister’s life.

Amber Siggers, 16, of Oakfield Road, Benfleet, is taking to the skies to raise money for Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cam-bridge, after doctors performed life-saving surgery on her sister Violet, just days after she was born.

Violet, who is now five months old, was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis by staff at Southend Hospital, shortly after she was born in September last year.

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gastrointestinal disease which causes destruction to the bowels.

Doctors rushed her to a specialist baby care unit in Addenbrooke’s, where she underwent urgent surgery to remove part of her infected intestine.

After two major operations, and weeks of monitoring in the care unit, Amber and her family were finally about to take Violet home in December.

Amber said: “We were all so worried about her.

“It was a really stressful time. But the hospital was so good to our family and we were so lucky to bring Violet home, unlike so many other families who weren’t as fortunate as us.”

Now, despite being scared of flying, the brave youngster has agreed to complete the daring escapade in an effort to raise as much as she can for the hospital’s trust.

Amber said: “Truthfully, I am terrified as I hate flying in general, but I hope, because it will be such a challenge for me, people will be more willing to donate.”

She has already managed to raise almost £500 by appealing to friends and relatives.

Amber added: “I am so overwhelmed by the generosity people have shown so far, but it would be lovely to make even more money for this wonderful cause if I can.”

The sky dive is taking place on April 14, at Maidstone air field in Kent.

For more information on how to make a donation, visit www.justgiving.com/Amber-Siggers