OFSTED inspectors believe the Eastwood Academy is on the right path to achieve an “outstanding” rating.

The education watchdog carried out a short inspection at the school, in Rayleigh Road, Leigh, earlier this month and judged that it was continuing to be “good” and is making improvements towards being “outstanding”.

Inspector Paul Lawrence praised the efforts of the school’s leadership team.

He wrote in his report: “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Based on the evidence gathered during this short inspection, I am of the opinion that the school has demonstrated strong practice and marked improvement in certain areas. This may indicate that the school is improving towards being outstanding.”

The school’s previous inspection was in 2013 and was rated as “good”.

Neil Houchen, principal of the Eastwood Academy and chief executive of Eastwood Park Academy Trust, said: “The narrative of the report is extremely pleasing and is an accurate reflection of the school. It is the culmination of the sustained efforts of all stakeholders and I am immensely proud of this report and everyone’s contribution to it.”

The report also showed that low-prior-attaining pupils are making very rapid progress, and the number of fixed-term exclusions has declined since 2016 and is now well below the national average.

The school’s progress in English was higher than the national average and progress in mathematics, science and humanities was in the top 10 per cent of schools nationally.

All pupils are said to receive high levels of support, guidance and care and feel highly valued, resulting in good attendance and behaviour.