IT was a case of everyone's a winner when sporting primary school pupils enjoyed the thrill of meeting recently-retired Essex cricket captain Ronnie Irani.

Former England man Irani, who is still club captain for the county, was on hand to give out the prizes at a sports day at St Thomas More High School in Kenilworth Gardens, Westclff.

The day was organised by the school's youth sports council for youngsters from the three Catholic schools in the district: St Helen's, Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Lourdes, along with St Christopher's Special School.

They took part in football, netball and cricket in the morning and a sporting-themed orienteering event in the afternoon.

There were no winners as it was a non-competitive day, but there were special awards for excellence, effort and sportsmanship shown by pupils from each class.

The school's Eamonn Kearney, the Southend-on-Sea 2012 Olympic Young Ambassador, said: "The day was excellent and enjoyed by all.

"My thanks go to everyone that made the day happen, the helpers, members of the St Thomas More Youth sports council, Ronnie Irani and the children who took part."