WICKFORD Lawn Tennis Club had a double celebration when it came to switching on their new floodlights.

Not only did members get to see the new £30,000 lights in action but Lawn Tennis Association chief exectutive Roger Draper visited the Swan Lane club to do the honours.

He was joined by dozens of players as club members turned out in force to toast the new lights with a glass of champagne.

"The night could not have gone better," said club captain Stewart Clark.

"Roger was absolutely fantastic and he said one of the things that enticed him to come down was that he started playing at a three-court club."

The new lights were part funded to the tune of £15,000 by Cleanaway after negotiations between club member Sandra Ellis and Gary Baker from the waste management company. The remaining sum came from club funds.

Club chiefs decided to install new lights to replace the ones that had been standing for around 20 years. They needed regular maintainance that was carried out by members.

But the new ones are quoted as being maintainance-free for 10 years, meaning members can get on with playing on the club's three courts.

Also attending was Essex County LTA's tennis manager Colin Clay.