WHOEVER said that bowls is an old man's game should have been at the opening of Southend's summer season.

The turnout was way beyond their wildest dreams, helped by the large number of new members who have joined over the last few months.

The weather was on their side for most of the afternoon, with just the odd shower which did nothing to dampen the day.

Bowlers began the afternoon with the changeover from the outgoing president Eileen Fowler to the new one Stephen Lidlow.

Ray Woollard is now captain at the Tonbridge Road club, with Mel Durston his vice-captain.

Jan Lacy is now captain for the ladies' section, with Geraldine Cane her assistant.

With so many members attending, the games had to be split so that half played for one and half hours and the remainder took over the six rinks for the final section.

This ensured everybody who wanted to play got a game.

The day finished with just under 100 members and friends sitting for a grand meal, which was attended by Southend's deputy mayor Councillor Mrs Gwen Horrigan and charity representative Ken Crowe.

Each year the incoming president has the choice of which charity he or she wishes the support, and this year bereavement charity CRUSE has been picked.