CONCORD Rangers will continue their bid to beat the drop when they head to Whitehawk tonight.

The Beach Boys have risen to third from bottom after one defeat in their last six Isthmian Premier Division outings.

And Jamal Allen is confident Concord can work their way out of trouble.

“We’re very confident of staying up and pushing up the league table,” said Allen.

“As a playing and management squad we’ve set ourselves high standards so we know that we can’t fall below those if we want to make progress.

“Each and every one of us know what’s expected so it’s about us following that up week in week out and when we do that we will be a match for anyone in the league.”

Concord drew 1-1 at Cray Wanderers on Sunday are now five points behind Cheshunt, who sit just above the drop zone, with four games in hand on their relegation rivals.

And Allen felt a share of the spoils was a fair score-line last time out.

“I think a draw was probably a fair result overall,” said Allen.

“But as a team we were disappointed to go ahead and not hold onto the lead until the final whistle.”

However, Allen is remaining upbeat.

“Our form has improved recently and it can definitely still be better,” said Allen.

“Like I said we’ve had games where we’ve lost leads so we’ve been disappointed to drop points from winning positions.

“It’s all about learning from those situations and kicking on now.

“We’ve grown as a squad and we’re more settled and understanding in our approach and that’s definitely contributed to our improved form.

“We pride ourselves on being strong at home in front of our fans and our home record has shown that recently.

“It’s about emulating that also in our away fixtures on a consistent basis.”

And that aim will continue at 15th placed Whitehawk tonight.

“This will be no different to any other game as there are no easy fixtures in this league,” said Allen.

“It’s another away game so it will be about us staying solid as a collective and managing the game well.

“We’re a confident group so we will be heading into the game looking to pick up the three points.”