A QUARTET of runners are preparing for their first ever London Marathon in memory of a much missed friend and family member.

Edward Benton passed away at the age of 21 last month.

And his close pals Callum Howlett, Charlie Owens and Lloyd Bellis, are now getting ready to run 26.2 miles across the capital, along with Edward's cousin Josh Spearpoint, to raise money for the Meningitis Research Foundation.

“Charlie text me and asked if I wanted to do a marathon in the next year or two in memory of Ed,” explained Lloyd.

“I can't do London next year because I’m away travelling, so I was thinking this year would be perfect if we can find the space."

“I emailed Great Ormond Street Hospital, who massively helped Ed and the Meningitis Research Foundation, as that’s what Ed was diagnosed with at 13 months.

Echo: Cousins - Josh Spearpoint with Ed and Jon BentonCousins - Josh Spearpoint with Ed and Jon Benton (Image: Lloyd Bellis)

“Great Ormond had a big waiting list but the Meningitis Research Foundation had space from people dropping out so we could do it which is amazing.

“We haven’t got long to train but we’re all quite fit and it’s something great to keep our minds focused on in memory of Ed.”

Edward, who is the brother of former Southend United midfielder Jon, was diagnosed with meningitis at just 13 months old.

He went on to have more than 35 operations in 18 years but always found ways to make those around him smile.

“Ed was hilarious, he was relentless with jokes and lit up every room he walked into,” said Lloyd, 21.

“He just loved to make people laugh and smile.

“Despite the relentless challenges he faced, Ed stayed positive and kept all those around him smiling and laughing.

“I would have loved to experience more of life with Ed but I feel truly blessed for the time I was given with him, and I will carry the lessons he taught me for the rest of my life.

“I will make sure to carry Ed's memory in every stride along the way of the marathon too.”

The runners have already raised close to £6,500 for the Meningitis Research Foundation.

And Lloyd is keen to raise as much as he can for his friend he met on the first day of school at Belfairs.

“I knew him since Year 7,” said Lloyd.

“The first lesson I sat in I sat next to him and we’ve been best mates ever since.

“Charlie went to junior school with him and Cal’s quite a recent friend.

“It was probably two or three years ago they met and became so close.

“It just shows the impact Ed has on people that he could build close relationships in a short period of time.

“Going out now you really miss his presence, but he’d find it funny we’re all putting ourselves through the marathon.

“We’ll make sure we do it for him.”

The London Marathon takes place on Sunday April 21 and sponsorship pages have been set up for all of the runners, 

Sponsor Lloyd here, Callum here, Charlie here and Josh here