POLITICAL rivals across Southend have vowed to put their differences aside and unite in a joint effort to help save the Blues.

Labour and Conservative parliamentary candidates joined Southend Council leader Daniel Cowan for a meeting today as the deadline for a deal to be agreed on 1,300 homes at Fossetts Farm quickly approaches.

Over the weekend Mr Cowan announced that the proposed deal had not met the standards required by the council and gave Ron Martin and Citizen Housing - fronted by Ron’s son Jack - until Friday to agree an alternative deal.

Tory candidates Anna Firth and Gavin Haran joined Labour candidates Bayo Alaba and David Burton-Sampson where they all agreed to put politics aside in a bid to help the deal cross the line.

Mr Cowan said: “I was pleased to welcome four parliamentary candidates to a working lunch to set out what has been going on with Southend United Football Club.

“We all agreed that this issue is far bigger than politics and must not become a campaign issue ahead of the General Election."

The homes deal is the final barrier between a deal being agreed for the sale of the club from Ron Martin to a consortium fronted by Justin Rees.

Ms Firth said: “All candidates agreed that the club far transcends the political divide in Southend and we must do all we can to protect its future.

“I truly believe that all sides are working flat out to secure a positive outcome for both the fans, and the council taxpayers. This is such an important issue and I continue to urge all those involved to compromise for the good of our city, club and fans.”

Mr Alaba added: “Southend United is a key part of our community, and I know that many fans will be desperately worried about the club’s future.

“I want to reassure everyone that we are all committed to working together to achieving the best outcome and securing the club’s future.

“Southend United is too important to be a political football in this election.”

The Blues are due in the High Court on June 26 to face a potential winding-up petition from Stewarts Law and an ex club sponsor believed to total about £500,000.

Conservative Ms Firth and Labour’s Mr Burton-Sampson are both running in Southend West and Leigh.

Mr Haran, Conservative, and Mr Alaba, Labour, are both running in Rochford and Southend East.