ACE fundraiser Chris Phillips dug deep to smash his own tennis charity challenge on Saturday.

The Echo sports reporter covered more than 76,000 steps while walking for more than 15 hours between all 16 clubs who play in the Leigh & Westcliff League.

And the fundraiser, which saw also saw Chris play tennis at every club, has already raised more than £10,000 for South East and Central Essex Mind.

"It's amazing to have raised so much money and I was honestly taken back by the level of kindness and support I received," said Chris.

"There were people waking up super early to join, people walking miles, clubs giving me a guard of honour, baking cakes, having a BBQ, holding their own whip rounds and buying loads of raffle tickets.

"I honestly didn't expect anything like that at all and I'm super grateful to all the clubs who helped me get through it."

Chris started at David Lloyd Basildon at 6am before heading through Wickford, Rayleigh, Hockley, Thundersley, Hadleigh, Westcliff and Thorpe Bay before finishing at his own club Southend Lawn at just past 9pm.

The money made means Chris has now raised £125,000 for charity.

And £67,000 has gone to SECE Mind, a charity close to his heart "I've been a trustee for Mind and now I'm a ambassador so I'm always keen to do what I can to raise funds and awareness of mental health issues," said Chris.

"I struggle myself so know only too well what it's like but you should never be ashamed and, just like the walk, you can get through tough times, with the help of others.

"That's one of the messages we were trying to get across but it was a really tough thing to do."

However Chris is no stranger to tough challenges and last summer played tennis non stop for 11 hours, five minutes to mirror the famous Wimbledon match between Nicolas Mahut and John Isner.

The fundraiser made £14,011 for SECE Mind and saw Chris make the shortlist for the Lawn Tennis Association President Award.

The ceremony takes places this morning and will also incorporate Chris watching the centre court action at Wimbledon.

"I can't believe it's happened to be honest but I only ever do it to help people who are struggling and try and make them realise they aren't alone," said Chris.

"It was also the longest I've gone without writing about Southend United in years so that was nice too!"

Chris can still be sponsored here.