THE Shrimpers Trust have thanked the consortium after their takeover of Southend United was confirmed.

The group headed up by Justin Rees are now officially in control of the National League club.

And the Trust have released a statement to show gratitude towards the consortium.

READ MORE: "One of the club's most important day" - Boss Kevin Maher reacts to consortium's takeover

The statement said: "We thank the members of COSU for their patience, their diligence and their determination to acquire Southend United FC over the past nine months, and we are excited about the prospects of a brighter future together.

"Like many of the club’s players, coaches, staff and supporters, they have not walked away during extremely testing times, and we appreciate that commitment."

The Trust have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to try to secure a brighter future for the club.

But they believe there is still plenty to be done.

The statement added: "There are still matters to resolve but they can now be completed in a place where the existential threat towards Southend United has been removed.

"Ron Martin and his family still hold possession of the club’s major economic asset, Roots Hall, thanks to its separation from the club under his stewardship 25 years ago, and the stadium is in vital need of the investment of millions of pounds to be released under the terms of Southend-on-Sea City Council’s de- coupled deal with the Martin family."

"For months the Shrimpers Trust has held up Ron Martin to the media and the UK Government as the poster child of bad football ownership; a man that wanted to take a culturally-significant local institution and exploit it for the financial gain of himself and his family.

"Now, with renewal on the agenda, there is again potential for Southend United to be held aloft as an icon, but this time for collaboration and community instead."

However, the future now appears far brighter and the Trust are keen to continue to play their part.

The Trust said: "We have already seen a glimpse of COSU’s vision for the future, unveiled at the ‘Evening With The Consortium’ event held in January.

"We have seen their desire to work with supporters, and they have already announced plans for a Fans Advisory Board.

"We now have an opportunity to form a relationship based on collaboration with the club’s ownership, not contempt.

"There is a famous line of commentary where Southend United is hailed as a club that refuses to die.

"Over the past couple of seasons, despite the incredible achievements on the pitch of Kevin Maher, Darren Currie and Mark Bentley and their playing squad during a period of incredible adversity, we have come too close to that scenario off the field.

"That we have not suffered that fate is due to the outstanding efforts of everyone, united against the Martin family, and with supporters at the forefront.

"We have utilised every inch of the soft power we possess, and we now have genuine aspiration that those efforts may be recognised by a more formal role in the club’s future.

"Southend United Football Club has the chance to thrive and rise again on a sustainable and collaborative foundation, and we look forward to playing our part."

The Trust's full statement can be read here.