FIT-AGAIN Jack Bridge is excited for Southend United’s future.

Bridge started his pre-season with 45 minutes against Bishop’s Stortford on Saturday.

And he was thrilled to take to the pitch just hours after the consortium had been confirmed as the club’s new owners.

“Everyone knows how long we’ve all been waiting for it so it’s a massive relief for everyone now that it’s happened,” said Bridge.

“There’s a lot of excitement too but we understand it won’t all just happen overnight.

“We know there won’t be miracles but it’s just nice to know the future is looking a lot more positive now.

“It’s nice to be going into training with positive news and we’re really excited for this season.”

Blues have won all three of their pre-season matches so far this summer.

And Bridge was pleased to play his part in Saturday’s 2-0 win at Bishop’s Stortford after recovering from a slight thigh injury.

“I just felt it leading up to the Great Wakering game we had,” said Bridge.

“We thought it was best not to rush it or push it and just let it settle down which it has now.

“I feel fine and it feels good so I can push on in the next few weeks.

“ It wasn’t ever anything serious that was keeping me out but it was just best to play it safe.

“We know we have time for me to still build it up minutes wise but it was good to be back out there on Saturday and hopefully I can get more minutes in the next few weeks now.”

Bridge will be looking for more minutes when Blues host Gillingham at Roots Hall on Saturday.

And the 28-year-old is also relishing next week’s trip to Ireland.

“It’s something that can really get the group together,” said Bridge.

“I’ve done it in the past with Southend when we’ve been to Spain and I know how beneficial it can be so we’re looking forward to it even though we know it will be tough. “