JASON Demetriou has announced he is leaving Southend United.

The 36-year-old has been with the Shrimpers since 2016.

But, after months of talks with the National League club surrounding his future, Demetriou has now opted to move on.

“The last eight years have been unreal,” said Demetriou.

“I wouldn’t change it for anything.

“It’s been a huge rollercoaster but after seeing the club through to the other side I feel the timing to move is right.”

Demetriou made 260 appearances while with Blues and combined playing with a coaching role last season.

But he did not feel capable of continuing in both positions this time around.

“I was offered a player coach role at the start, the same as last year, but it’s hard doing both roles at the same time,” said Demetriou.

“I had a long time off and I knew I was going to struggle to go back in.

“With my knee as well I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to play full-time.

“Kev (Maher) was as good as gold with me and tried to convince me but I just couldn’t.

“I knew I couldn’t last the whole season like I did last year and I didn’t want to start it knowing I couldn’t finish.

“I had to be honest and I’ve made the decision to come out of it.”

Demetriou had been in discussions about a possible coaching role with the Shrimpers.

But a role which suited his needs could not be found.

“We were talking about another role but I think it’s time to move on,” explained Demetriou.

“The three first team coaches there now are top people and fantastic coaches.

“I have learned so much in the last few years and I feel there’s enough there so adding another at this time might not be needed.

“I decided for now it’s time to move on.”

However, Demetriou did not want to rush that decision.

“I wanted to give it as much time as possible because I’ve been there so long and I love it,” said the former Cyprus international.

“I go to the games now and think are you really going to leave now when everything has turned good but I think it’s the right time.

“I’m sad to be leaving but I’ve loved being at the club and wish everyone there all the success for the future.”

Demetriou remains determined to stay involved in football.

But he is unsure where he will head to next.

“Maybe I’ll get a coaching role somewhere or play part-time football, I don’t know,” said Demetriou.

“I’m going to see what happens.

“I’m not announcing my retirement or anything.

“I thought about it but I didn’t want to shut the door on what might be possible.

“I’m in a bit of no man’s land but we’ll see what happens.”