A SHORT film created by c2c and Southend United to launch the club’s new kits has been shortlisted for an award after racking up thousands of views online.

The film - titled “Every Journey Needs its Threads” - saw Shrimpers players travel through stations and on trains to meet fans as they unveiled their new home and away kit for the season.

It has now been nominated for the 2024 Football Content Awards after being selected from a whopping 36,000 nominations.

Southend United and c2c, which also sponsors the kits, will now be up against the likes of Adidas and Nike to try and scoop the award.

c2c managing director, Rob Mullen, said: “c2c is absolutely delighted that our joint kit launch and partnership film with Southend United Football Club has been nominated for a prestigious Football Content Award.

“To be one of 1,200 initial entries making the judges’ shortlist, and to be mentioned alongside some of the world’s biggest sporting brands and sponsors, is absolutely fantastic.

“This nomination really is testament to the communications and commercial teams at both Southend United and c2c who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring both the partnership and supporting launch film to fruition.”

Southend United has also received a second nomination in the Best Football Club category.

The winners will be decided by a combination of 50 per cent judge and 50 per cent fan votes.

Tom Lawrence, Southend United CEO, added: “To put this into context, last year’s Branded Content Award was won by Adidas (for the Women’s World Cup campaign), and this year we’ll be going up against the likes of Adidas, Nike, Barclays and Paddy Power.

“It’s been great working with c2c and getting to know Rob Mullen and his team over the last six months - the kit launch video would not have been possible without their support and collaboration throughout (Rob even taking on a cameo role) – thank you.

“And a special mention to Ben Hart (Circuit Creative), whose vision and video wizardry led to an amazing kit launch. This was a real team effort.”

The short film can be viewed via youtube.com/watch?v=beAgrNOARMU.

Votes can be cast at footballcontentawards.com/voting with voting closing at 11.59pm on Sunday, October 13.