Rochford crashed out of their second Essex team competition in quick succession on Sunday when they lost their second round Leslie Wood Trophy clash with West Essex.

Only the week before Rochford lost in the premier Thornton Cup, but again fell well short against West Essex going down 9.5-5.5.

Even home advantage failed to help Rochford as they suffered a disastrous morning foursomes - gaining only half a point out of five.

Dave Pepper and Matt Hilsum were the only minor success story with that half although Dick Clarke and Lee Carter just lost 1 down.

This meant that Rochford needed something extra special in the ten afternoon singles matches and did at one stage look set to force an unlikely play-off as they led in seven games.

But in the end West Essex rallied to clinch victory with Rochford's Clarke. Chris Day, Carter and Pepper the only winners with Hilsum and Kemp managing halves.

Rochford did better in the Jubilee Cup after a narrow 5-4 win over Lords of Rayleigh.

Success was built on the singles with Len Alliston beating Alan Dartnell 5 and 4, Brian Rackham seeing off Keith Ritchie 3 and 1, Jack Archibald getting the better of Kevin Batch 4 and 3, Alan Rapson notching a 5 and 3 win over Steve Campbell and Martin Howes a 4 and 2 victory against Phil Cherry.

Dave Tyrrell was Lords only winner, beating Bob Lough 2 and 1.

But the three fourball betterball matches all went to Lords thanks to Laurie Page and Paul Belcher beating Jerry Gibson and Andy Tyler 3 and 2, Barry Simpson and Scott Plowman winning 2 and 1 against Steve Farrell and Ken Benson and Steve Fraser and Trevor Crouch 5 and 4 winners over Roger Newell and Alan McEwen.

Meanwhile, Rochford's weekly Stableford competition to qualify for the Scott Spencer trophy saw three players locked on 40 points.

In the end Dean Rogers just eased out Paul Bawden and Paul Birrell on countback with all three earning a one shot handicap cut.

Rogers managed three birdies and a trio of pars while Bawden put together a very consistent two birdies plus 12 pars.

Birrell, who now plays off one, had an eagle, two birdies and 13 pars.

Rochford Ladies held their May medal with Margaret Brockes winning the silver division on net 73 - two better than runner-up Chris Woods.

Bronze success was tasted by Denise Stone whose net 77 pipped Jackie Southwood by one shot.

Rochford's Silver Trophy team beat Maylands 4-1 at home.